Data Source: Latest Energy Surveys,

Promotion of Transfer of Technology

At present many environmental technologies and renewable energy technologies are out of stock and presuppose long delivery times. Our knowledge to the international markets, to manufacturers and technology providers facilitate the access to appropriate technologies.

Beside the actual hardware it also must be ensured that sufficiently elaborated operating and maintenance concepts are present and that appropriate personnel is available. Trained technicians, maintenance teams, a technical operator and spare part management are basic requirements for perfect and successful operation.

Just the lack of these basic requirements caused many development projects in the 80's to fail, since after installation no appropriate maintenance concepts were accomplished. It lacked in trained personnel and the costs for contracting international maintenance and service technicians were just too high considering the remoteness and size of these projects.

German ProfEC supports the right choice for maintenance concepts, the training of local technicians as well as the implementation of tailor-made maintenance and operating concepts. This we ensure this by close co-operation with pertinent technology manufacturers and maintenance specialists.
A project example considering transfer of technology for rural electrification can be found here.